Hello you beautiful people! As I sit here and try to figure out what to say about myself, I stumble. I am never really sure what to say about myself. I am an artist. It is easier for me to show you, than it is for me to tell you. I want my art to reveal me. It's a part of who I am. Don't ask me what I am going to do after college. Yes, that's right, I still have no idea. I am keeping options open, and I am taking it one day at a time. I don't care about making lots of money, I care about being happy, and living a life of purpose. I believe that everyone has a purpose, and that no one, and I mean no one, is a lost cause. As I lay here, a senior in college, I am super contemplative about the things I have been through, the friends I have made, and what an amazing, and somewhat indescribable journey it has been. But I guess that is a part of life. It can been written about, and caught on camera, but to truly understand it, you must go on your own journey through it. I've learned that no matter how many times you get told something is wrong, sometimes you just have to learn on your own. I've learned that good friends and good friends always go fantastic together. I believe that the people that I have been friends with have all influenced me, in some way or another. They have made me who I am today, and I wouldn't trade that for the world. They have taught me things about myself I would've never learned on my own. I have also learned that I really should listen to my mom and dad more often; they are usually always right. Anyways, that's just a little piece of my heart, and the rest you will just have to find out on your own. <3
Monday, December 26, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Done, Done, Done.
I'm done trying. Trying to be something I'm not. Trying to please other people. Trying to be the person everyone accepts. It isn't supposed to be like this. I am supposed to be happy. Happy with myself. Happy with my life. Happy with my friends. The truth is we all fail. I fail. You fail. We all fail. I've let people down. I've hurt people. I've done things I regret. But those things all made me who I am now. Now I'm stronger. Now I'm learning. Now I'm growing. I choose to be optimistic. I choose to be happy with where I am in life. I choose to accept change. I choose to embrace who I am. Also, I choose not to care what others think. I've spent enough time doing that, and now I'm done. You can either take it or leave it. I'm done.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Two Nights Ago.
I pretty much had a post-semester breakdown, which is odd, because I didn’t have one during the semester. I started re-gauging my ears again, and apparently certain people have issues about what I do with my life. And it’s people I thought loved me. But apparently I was wrong again. I’m tired of the judgement. It’s my life, what I do to my body does not make me a bad person. You don’t know me, don’t tell me that you miss the person I was, when you don’t know the person I am now. You haven’t spoken to me in nine months, just because someone dies, doesn’t mean you should be concerned with sending me your opinions on things, or better yet, telling me that I should think about things that I am doing. Last time I checked, it WASN’T your concern.
And yes, I know I am taking this crap out on my blog. But you don’t have to read it. I just needed to vent. Crap like this annoys the hell out of me. Number one, you don’t know me. Number two, you still don’t know me. So can you back off please. And I know I have issues, but I'm working on them.
But change of pace: I located a memory card that I thought I lost that was full of pictures. Tomorrow night I get to see Mutemath for the first time, along with Royal Teeth. And I am super pumped about that. On thursday, one of my favorite people is driving two hours to come see me! Friday, I am spending the entire day with Rachel in NOLA, and we get to celebrate ULL making their first Bowl Game appearance in 41 years. Saturday morning, two of my best friends graduate college, which I am super stoked for, and I am so proud of them both. After graduation, Rachel and I will be back in NOLA for the Bowl Game. So excited for this wonderful week! And it’s definitely the good week I needed, after this semester of hell.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Perfect time to blog.
This is what the LORD says:
“Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
who depends on flesh for his strength
and whose heart turns away from the LORD.
He will be like a bush in the wastelands;
he will not see prosperity when it comes.
He will dwell in the parched places of the desert,
in a salt land where no one lives.
“But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:5-8.
Love Him. Trust Him. Follow Him. Serve Him.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
What I really need to do...
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Well, the kids left yesterday, and now it is officially 3rd term. It's really exciting for new staff to come in, but it also makes me really nervous at the same time. I had to step outside of my comfort zone this summer, to meet 2nd term staff, because I didn't come to staff training. Stepping out wasn't easy for me, but I did it, and in return I met a lot of amazing men and women. God, has really been challenging me to step outside of my box for a while now, and I am really glad I did. So now that it's 3rd term, I have a whole new set of staff to meet and to learn from. And it's nice to finally have two people here that I actually know from back home!
Regardless, it's 3rd term. God is good, so let's get it.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Kamp, with a side of Zoo.
Around 4:30, I woke up, and got asked if I wanted to go to the zoo. And of course I wanted to the zoo. Who doesn't want to go to the zoo. Haha, but it was great. They had the cutest camel ever, and it was only 4 months old. So cute.

All in all it was a great day!! :D
Love God. Love People.
Friday, July 15, 2011
What's been on my heart lately...
Thank you for teaching me so much in the past couple of weeks while I have been at kamp. I still can't believe it has already been four months since me and Jessie split. It's good to know that you are here through everything. Every season of my life is different, but I am glad you are faithful and that you are always there. I'm thankful that you never leave me or give up on me. Also, I am thankful that you are always willing to wrap your arms around me and embrace me when I need you. And even when I don't think I need you or I try to convince myself I don't need you, you are always there.
But Lord, I am thankful that you have been a consistent in my life, no matter how inconsistent I am with you. But I am trying to get on a schedule.
Father I thank you for who you are, and for your word to be able to teach me who I am supposed to be. I know that I may mess things up, but I am learning. Learning to trust that your plan is better than mine. That one day you are going to bring an amazing MOG in my life. One that treats me like I am supposed to be treated. That respects me, and someone that brings the best out in me. Someone who is going to be a spiritual leader in my life and my family's life. Father, you are going to bring someone amazing into my life. But I know as of right now, you want to romance me like no one else ever could. You want me to fall so deeply in love with you, that there is only room for you.
Father, teach me to do your will. Help me to bring you my problems first before I speak to others about them. Because sometimes i just need to talk to you about them. Help me focus solely on you because you are all I need. Everything I do is to bring you glory. I want everything I do to be reflected back to you. I want every step I take to be one step closer to you. I want to always be in fingertip distance from you. Even when I don't feel like I'm being a Christian, I will push forth in this race I am running for you. I understand that I may not always feel you, but you are always there waiting for me to just turn to you. Waiting for me to just come to you with open arms and an open heart and to just be real with you. To be open and be truthful, because you already know what's going on, without me even telling you.
I want my excitement about you Lord to stay constant. I am learning a lot of new things about you and about myself every day. And it's definitely been an adventure. You are definitely pushing me outside of my box to meet new people and to have real honest relationships with them. And to connect with them on a deeper level. To allow them to be spiritual role models in my life. For them to be a spiritual backbone for me.
Father, everything I am searching for is what you have waiting for me. Just help me be completely satisfied in you. That's all I need right now. You are all I need. You are all I want. I don't want to be afraid to run to you. To just curl up in your lap and be solely rested in you. I need to learn to trust in you and you alone, for you know the plans for my life.
I also need to learn to take my thoughts, feeling, and emotions captive. I also need to learn to guard my heart. And to not think into things too much. It only leads to a broken heart. Feelings being crushed. Things being ripped apart again. And honestly I can't deal with that again. Maybe I'm just meant to be single. Maybe there is more to life than being in a relationship. I can't stand the thought of my heart being broken into a thousand pieces again and not knowing where to go again, or where to run. Or how to even fix the problem. Father, this is just a little of what's been on my heart lately.
So, I wrote this a few nights ago. I have been journaling every night since I've been at kamp, and honestly, it's probably the best way to keep everything in line in my life. I just need the few of you who will read this to keep me in your prayers. :)
I love you all! God Bless.
Love God. Love People.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Kamp, Kamp, Kamp.
Just a few things that have truly stood out to me. July 3rd, I was having a really rough night. Just a lot of things going through my head. So I spent some time in God's word, just seeking him. I prayed that He would just cleanse me of stuff I was dealing with. So I sat on our cabin porch and wrote in my journal, just how I was feeling and what was running through my mind. While I was writing, the weather started get bad. It started lightening and thundering, and it got pretty crazy. So i walked to the baseball office and found one of the girls I met while I have been here, her name is Arden, and she is truly a blessing in my life. We walked out to the gym and just waited for the weather to do whatever it was about to do. I had just listened to Let it Rain by Jesus Culture, so this is when things just go way cool. It soon started raining, and Arden and I just played in the rain for a while. Then we had an impromptu worship session. What amazed me, is how God just shows His magnificence to us. It is absolutely mind-blowing.
Pictures have been going great. I am letting God be glorified through my work, and I am just letting him use me. Whatever He wants me to do, is what I will do.
Joshua 1:9: Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; Do not be discouraged for the Lord will be with you wherever you go. <3
God First. Others Second. I'm Third.
That's all for now.
Love God. Love People.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Best week of my life.
So let's start with Wednesday, my birthday. I worked in the morning, and then left for New Orleans around 2. It was a fabulous day. I had the chance to see one of my favorite bands, Eisley, play at the House of Blues. Absolutely incredible show. Playing along side of them, was The Narrative, and Christie Dupree. After the show, we went to Cafe Du Monde, and ate beignets. I also got to see one of my friends from Kids Across America!! It was great, hadn't seen him since last summer. After leaving New Orleans, I ended up not getting home until 4:30AM, and I needed to be in Dallas at 11:30AM. Let's just say it was a super long morning, with lots of stopping, coffee, and blaring music.
I ended up making it to Dallas safely, Praise God. I was asked to take pictures for a seafood companies website. so that was an interesting experience. After I was finished there, I met up with an old friend that lived across the street from me growing up, she used to babysit me. Hah. But anyways, she is living in Texas now, so it was nice to visit. On Friday, i drove back home, then down to New Orleans. Later that night, a friend and I went at Rotello's, and it was fabulous. After we were done eating, we had gelato. Absolutely delicious.
Saturday, I ended up hanging out on Magazine St. at the Community Coffee. I just edited pictures and talked to a friend for a while. Later that night we had dinner at Tacquera Corona, and I probably misspelled that word. After we were done with dinner we went to get ice cream at Creole Creamery, and it was fabulous. Sunday, we headed towards Gulfport, MS. Along the way we stopped at the Six Flags in NO. It is no longer in operation which is sad. But I did get to take a few pictures, so that was cool. After, we went shopping, and of course I spent way too much money at J. Crew, but I can't help it. Anyways, then we drove along the coast to Biloxi, and it was so beautiful. We stopped for a while and walked along the beach. Let's just say it was the perfect way to end the perfect birthday. :)
Monday, May 30, 2011
Monday of the Best Week Ever...
Anyways. I went to work today only for a few hours, because my boss let me off early. So on my way home I decided that I was going to bake my birthday cake, instead of ordering it from Rod's, even though I miss their cool whip icing. But regardless, I made my very own tie-dye cake, and if I must say so myself, it can out fabulous. :)

So, I just finished icing it a few minutes ago. And I told my parents around 5pm that we were celebrating my birthday tonight, even though it's not for two more days, but maybe I should've told them earlier. Oopsies. :)
Anyways, I'll blog about the rest of my night later, I need to get some stuff done.
Love God. Love People.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
So starting with this past Friday, May 27, two of my lovely friends from college got married! Congrats Sarah Jaye and Durr. The wedding was absolutely fabulous, and I danced so much I was sore the next morning. Then on Saturday, I adventured out to Lake Arthur, LA to The Regatta Festival, with Allison. Don't ask me what it means, because I honestly have no idea. Let's just say as soon as I got to Lake Arthur, I felt like I was back home in Church Point, I wasn't really sure how I felt about that, but anyways. A few friends including myself, got together to spend a wonderful day together. We got to see sailboat races and a couple of really good bands. I also go to go jet-skiing for the first time ever, so that was cool.
Moving on! We didn't end up going to be until a little after midnight, but it's summer! Who cares. Haha.
It is now Sunday, and I am sitting in my room trying to contain my excitement of the upcoming week! I probably have more planned than I will actually be able to handle, but I guess that's what makes life exciting. I did get to see Allison's new house, that I will be moving into in August, and it's extremely adorable!! Ahhh, and then I bought a new duvet for my new room for only 14 bucks! I was pretty stoked about that!
Well tomorrow is Memorial Day, and I am going to work because I have nothing else better to do with my life, and I don't need to be outside anymore with the sunburn I already have.
Tuesday, I will be taking pictures for a seafood company located in Branch, LA. I'm pretty excited about that!
Wednesday is my 21st birthday, and I realize that being 21 comes with a lot of expectations that I am "supposed to do" according to society, but whatever! Hah. I will be going to New Orleans to see Eisley and The Narrative, at the House of Blues, with a great friend of mine, and I must say I am super excited about it!!
Thursday, I will be traveling to Dallas to take pictures for the seafood companies second branch! So it will be an adventure! Especially the fact I get to catch up with friends while there after I am done working! AHH. :)
Friday, I will be adventuring back home, and then heading back to New Orleans, to spend the weekend with another fabulous friend of mine.
So let's just say that this is going to be the BEST WEEK EVER, and I will try my best to keep my blog updated.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Things I keep saying...
I just recently got back from a crazy trip to Texas with Rachel Jocks. It was really a great trip. I got to hang out with my grandparents, my godmother and her family, a few friends along the way, go to Six Flags Over Texas, and I even got my nose re-peirced. We also went to Houston, got to see some really cool art, ate really good pizza. So it was a great weekend to say the least.
I just got home like 30 minutes ago, so I am still going through the winding down process. Also, I have been considering a lot of things lately. I will be 21 in 9 days, and it is officially becoming real to me. Not that it really matters, because I don't necessarily go out and drink. But nonetheless, I will be legal. Hah.
Anyways. I'm still getting my life back together from the overtaking of school. It's now just work 8-5 everyday. So my days aren't very exciting. But I do get to go to KAA in a few weeks, so that will be six weeks of my summer. And I am super excited about seeing my kamp family.
Well I will blog more later, maybe even post some photos. Who knows.
Much Love.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Just for entertainment.
- ummm, probably giraffe.
Do you know any names of the stars?
- no, I'm not really that big into astronomy. I like looking at them though.
You can travel to any CITY. What city?
- There are a bunch of places I want to go, so I really can't pick just one.
Where is your favorite place to get coffee?
- Johnston Street Java, Community Coffee, Starbucks, or Cafe Chi Alpha.
Have you ever pretended to be someone your not?
- I'm sure I have at one point or so in my life.
Tell me some lyrics to your favorite song right now.
- Commission my soul with a heart uncontrollable for this great cause to save the lost.
Did you say something today and then felt bad for saying it?
- No, not today.
Regular water or flavored?
- regular.
Do you think it would have been cool to live during the 70s?
- Oh most definitely, but I really like living now.
Have you ever kept a secret from the one you love?
- Yes.
Do you watch soaps in the afternoons?
- Negative, I don't like drama, even on TV.
Have you ever wanted to be a nurse?
- No, not really. Not my type of profession. And besides I can't handle all kinds of blood. I get weak.
Were you fired from your first job within two weeks?
- Never.
Do you brush your teeth before you go to bed every night?
- Yes, of course.
Do you have a sweet tooth?
- Oh very much so!
Did you ever see the Disney movie Cars?
- I don't think I've ever watched the whole thing, TBH.
Do you drive a mini van?
- nope.
Have you ever tried Proactive?
- nope, I knew that junk wouldn't work for me.
True or false: You read part of a book today.
- I read a few lines, haha. That counts for sure.
Did you yell at someone today?
- No, but I did get loud.
What was the last occasion that you had to get dressed up for?
- Wedding. The next one, spring banquet.
What color is your coat?
- red-orange. :)
Is number 23 your lucky number?
- nope, it's actually 5&7.
How many shirts do you own that are yellow?
- like one or two.
Do you like giving or recieving gifts?
- both. :)
Who is your favorite Disney princess?
- Umm, that's too hard to choose. Just saying.
Do you like Owen Wilson?
- I can't really answer that. I guess he's kinda funny.
Do you like ham or turkey better?
- Turkey for sure.
Corn dogs or regular hot dogs?
- Mmm, both.
How many people do you know who have commited sucide & succeeded?
- I didn't personally know her, but she lived nears my friends. It was creepy.
Do you look more like your mom or dad?
- Umm, it's like equally distributed.
Is the volume on your computer on?
- Yes.
Do you have a favorite scent of candle?
- Not really, I kinda just buy the ones I like when I go.
Do you hate how some things have limits of typing space?
- Umm, most definitely.
Do you have a Snuggie?
- Negative.
What's your favorite word?
- There are a few: definitely, awkward, negative.
Would you rather be freezing or hot?
- Hmm, I like them both so much though.
Are you mad at someone?
- No, not at all.
Are any of your friends dad's cops?
- Umm, yes, and so is my uncle.
Have you ever tried the pop Sun Drop?
- No.
Have you ever been told you were the greatest?
- Yes, once or twice.
Do some people need to grow up?
- Well of course. Hah.
Do you have a favorite type of cheese?
- Pepper jack, fasho.
When you don't feel like answering a question do you just say I don't know?
- Yes, I do that a lot, unintentionally.
Do you hate the smell of wet dog?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
4 Weeks Stronger...
Hold My Heart by Tenth Avenue North just finished playing. And now Hosanna by Hillsong is playing.
Hold My Heart is very close to my heart, it's how I got through the break up of my first relationship, by giving my hurt and pain solely to God. And in Hosanna, it says "Break my heart for what breaks yours, everything I am for your kingdom's cause." And throughout the past four weeks God has been breaking my heart.
As most of you know, my most recent relationship came to an end four weeks ago today. And surprisingly, I am doing better than I expected. At first I wasn't, but I wasn't listening. I was being ignorant, human nature I guess. Hah. But anyways.
I just want God to break me. And use me, for whatever it is He wants. I was put here for a purpose, and I want to be a world changer. I want to share God's love with people who don't know it. All God wants is for us to want Him, the way he wants us.
The way God loves us is absolutely overwhelming. Why would I not want to share the kind of love people need in the world. <3
Psalm 73:28.<3
I will never be the same.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Windows down, contemplating things.
I need to continue to recognize things of Him constantly throughout the day. It's hard not to see it though, unless you are oblivious to it. And it's obvious that He is there, I am just uncertain of why we run away from Him, when all he wants is to save us from ourselves.
I am still trying to wrap my mind around why God is jealous for me. An unworthy, stubborn, and so many other descriptions of a human being. He is perfect and all-knowing, but I still can't wrap my mind around why He is jealous. All I know is that His grace and mercy covers me, and honestly it's all I need.
To worship Him is my passion and my desire. It's so amazing to be able to worship such a Holy God. We do not have time to think about our pasts when we think about how much He actually loves us.
I need to constantly seek the Lord, in every aspect of my life. It's pointless for me to try and gain the whole world if I'm just going to lose my soul(Luke 9:25). I need to stay focused on seeking out God and His will for my life in all this chaos around me.
And God can see through us, we are not opaque. We are transparent to Him, and He can see straight through us. Let His new life offer be the thing to save you.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
I need to commit to blogging.
I need to commit to blogging at least twice a week. To share what I've been learn. God has really been pulling on my heart to read and I've already finished three books this year working on the fourth and fifth one. This year is going to be a big year of growth for me. I can feel it. And it is such an awesome feeling. I'm just ready to see what the Lord has planned.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Just out of pure boredom.
Three I think.
I don't think so.
Joi, Allison, Jessica.
I kind of have to. I'm a photographer.
A little of both. I know God has something extraordinary planned.
Technically, yes.
That school starts next week.